Local ministry background:
Krystyna grew up in a Christian family. She decided to have a personal relationship with Jesus at a Christian summer camp in her youth age. Since then, she has been actively involved in ministry at her home church: assisting on the youth leadership team, leading girls to a personal relationship with Jesus, leading groups…

Krystyna felt a calling to ministry in the schools. So, she decided to build on the well-functioning ministry of her colleague and HY Worker Karin Roikova. After training under Karin’s kind guidance, in September 2023 Krystyna took over the Christian education and religion classes that had been already established for years.
These are regular weekly meetings attended by pre-registered children. The vast majority are from families who do not actively participate in the life of any local church.

How does a typical Christian education class work?
An essential part of every meeting is a Bible story. In each lesson, Krystyna discusses one central Bible truth with the children, which is then emphasized in games, contests, songs, or during the teaching of a Bible verse. The goal of the program is for the children to take away that biblical truth written in their hearts. Krystyna motivates the children to think about the themes and how they can concretely apply the truth to their daily lives.

One of the goals of Christian programs in schools, in addition to bringing the Word of God, is to build relationships with children and their parents and then invite them to other Christian programs: summer camps, suburban camps, weekend events, as well as Sunday gatherings, for example.
The goal is then the transformed lives of children, the formation and shaping of life attitudes and values, and a positive influence on their entire families.

More about programs

How she became a HY Worker:
Krystyna has many years of varied experience in serving children. She is actively involved in leading girls’ groups and teaching Sunday School in the church. She is also involved in youth and teen meetings. She is a member of the camp leadership team.
She wants to enable the children in the schools to encounter faith and God who not only knows about them, but loves them immensely and has a plan for them.


Program topics and resource:

Krystyna has many years of varied experience in serving children. She is actively involved in leading girls’ groups and teaching Sunday School in the church. She is also involved in youth and teen meetings. She is a member of the camp leadership team.
She wants to enable the children in the schools to encounter faith and God who not only knows about them, but loves them immensely and has a plan for them.