The Internet is a place where many children spend most of their free time nowadays. Therefore, the sessions on potential Internet danger are one of the most demanded ones. Radek Pospisil confirms that – this is the topic that the schools in Kolin and its surrounding villages want to speak on the most often.
In November I went to see two 5th grade sessions on the Internet behavior. One session lasted two hours. The children were very attentive and they were listening eagerly to Radek’s lecture. It was obvious that they found that current topic very interesting. When the school bell rang in the middle of the session, the class echoed with the sound of disappointment. But then the pupils got happy realizing that there was one more hour ahead of them.
The aim of the sessions is to explain to the children how social networks work and warn them about potential Internet danger they may be exposed to. The second part of the session is focused on two types of danger – cyber grooming (strangers who pretend to be our friends intending to meet us in person) and cyberbullying. He tells tragic stories about what happened in the world or in the Czech Republic, which makes the danger seem more authentic. They talk about the stories discussing how the tragedies could have been avoided. When talking about cyberbullying, he introduces various types of it and tells the children other real tragic stories. He tells the children that when using the Internet, they may unintentionally behave the way that makes other people feel uncomfortable, which may result in cyberbullying.
A two hour lecture full of valuable information gives the children a sufficient warning and I believe that such a session will make them more careful when they use the Internet. Radek became very attractive through his good work among the students of his area. He is a good example of the positive living style.
Eliska Zeiskova, the Healthy Youth Program Coordinator