Ida Pencova

Local ministry background:
Ida Pencova used to lecture in schools as a member of Healthy Youth Workers team from 2010 to 2017.

Ida is a wife of a youth pastor of Apostolic church. This church is typically very active in reaching out, especially the youth. Ida began her school work from zero point and acquired quickly high respect in schools of her area. After moving from the North of the Czech Republic to larger city Kolin, her husband became the senior pastor and Ida has continued the Healthy Youth ministry in this city.

The programs she lectures in schools are conceived as imaginatively, playfully and interactively as possible. In this way, children learn through a non-coercive way to behave properly in various crisis situations.

In her teaching work, Ida draws on her professional knowledge (she keeps self-educating in the field of ethical education and primary prevention), but also on her many years of experience in working with children and young people.

As she says, “My goal is to participate in the change of values through my work in schools, impact the attitudes of young people around me: I can be a personal example to them. Through me, children can feel the true interest and love that God gives me for them.”

In addition to lecturing in schools, Ida is involved in running the leisure club called Switch for children aged from 10 to 15 years.


Visit the reportages from Ida’s programs and taste the atmosphere of this work:
March 2023, November 2021, December 2016, December 2014, October 2013

More about programs

How she became a HY Worker:
Before becoming a HY Worker, Ida used to work in many different professions. Working with the young generation in the team of Healthy Youth Workers, however, makes deep sense to her.
She believes that in order for something good to happen, much more needs to be done than what needs to be done for something bad. But this effort makes a huge sense, as she says.

Ida is convinced that the programs she brings to schools motivate children to create new life perspectives: she offers to them impulses to develop their personalities, to build better interpersonal relationships. She teaches them through her programs to make good decisions in different life situations.
Ida prefers long-term cooperation with schools. Thanks to that, she can go through the whole first and second degree with the children and she can establish a strong, lasting relationship with them, based on openness, authenticity and biblical values.

As Ida says herself, “When I stand in the classroom and after a busy activity, the students come up with something important for life, when a ‘loud silence’ breaks out in the debate on forgiveness, I know I’m exactly where I am supposed to be.”


Program topics and resource:
Ida works under the auspices of the Christian organization called Ethical Workshops.

She uses its much-appreciated school programs with topics:
How are you?
We play together
Let’s be friends
How to protect yourself in dangerous situations?
How did I happen to be here?
How to be cool with siblings?
How to have a nice relationship with parents?
How to overcome worries at school?
What to do with your appearance?
How to manage your money properly?
How to use IT and media correctly?
Life in the media jungle
Power of words
Well-being and calm without tobacco
Image or character?
Money, money, money
Who am I?
Do you respect your body or do you abuse it?
On a wave of emotions
About old age merrily and gloomily
Sex, love and relationships
Moral maze