Local ministry background:
Radim participates on leadership of the Apostolic Church in his home town Jindrichuv Hradec (south Bohemia region). He is involved mostly in the youth ministry and outreaching activities.

He grew up in an atheistic family. Firstly, he began to think about God after he had seen the movie Jesus and his coworker had testified to him about God.
Since he became a Christian, mission and evangelization has always been at his heart. He even got his Bachelor’s degree at the Harvest International Ministries Bible College.

Radim used to perform talks on various topics at schools in his region already for several past years. In the beginning of 2018, he decided to enter lecturing activities on the regular and continual base and he joined the INCZ Healthy Youth Ministry Program.

Radim offers young people also a leisure-time club and the individual counseling. He can understand children and young people very well and is able to attract their attention.


Visit the reportages from Radim’s programs and taste the atmosphere of this work:
November 2023, June 2019, March 2018

More about programs

How he became a HY Worker:
Radim has been serving as a pastor of the Apostolic Church for many years. He has also been working part time as a photographer which is one of his great hobbies.
He desired for some working change and for some new direction, especially considering young people in his region. That is why he decided to join the Healthy Youth Ministry Program.


Program topics and resource:
Radim works under the auspices of the Czech branch of the Christian Youth Academy. He participates on the Spiritual heritage series.

The topics of programs he offers to schools are:
The Pain – the Disease Called Bullying
Love, AIDS and the Relationships
The Friendship and Love
To Be a Non-Smoker Is Cool
The World Religions and the Sects
The Hidden Dangers of the Internet
The Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
Christmas / Easter
About Bible without Boredom


“This program was one of the few I really liked.”
A student

“You are great! Carry on with these programs. This was the best program I’ve ever heard so far.”
A student

“Thank you for very nice program. You helped me to think more about my own behavior.”
A student

“The atmosphere was warm and friendly. The program was instructive, inspiring, entertaining. The lecturer was perfectly able to get full attention of the whole class. His attitude towards children was exemplary. I wish there could be more programs like this one.”
A teacher

“I enjoyed the attitude of the HY Worker his openness and liveliness, the atmosphere, immediacy and practicality of the program.”
A teacher

“Good job! Thank you for spreading the truth and opening eyes of young generation.”
A teacher