Visit the reportages from Rut’s programs and taste the atmosphere of this work:
June 2023, March 2022
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How she became a HY Worker:
Rut has always had close to work with children and youth. Since her growing up she has actively participated on preparing various programs, camps and meetings. She studied leisure-time pedagogy. And she has been involved in children’s work and ministry already for 30 years.
In the year 2017 she had got the offer to join the team of the Christian organization called the Ethical Workshops, which specializes on HY work among children and youth. She accepted this offer gladly. She perceives her HY ministry as her life mission and vocation.
Program topics and resource:
Rut works under the auspices of the Christian organization called the Ethical Workshops.
She uses its much-appreciated school programs with topics:
How are you?
We play together
Let’s be friends
How to protect yourself in dangerous situations?
How did I happen to be here?
How to be cool with siblings?
How to have a nice relationship with parents?
How to overcome worries at school?
What to do with your appearance?
How to manage your money properly?
How to use IT and media correctly?
Life in the media jungle
Power of words
Well-being and calm without tobacco
Image or character?
Money, money, money
Who am I?
Do you respect your body or do you abuse it?
On a wave of emotions
About old age merrily and gloomily
Sex, love and relationships
Moral maze
Spiritual Heritage