Local ministry background:
Tereza grew up in a Christian family. She has “always” known that there was God and what He did for people. In 2016, she gave her life to God personally. Since then, she has become more involved in the ministry and life of her home church.
She is involved in leading worship, creative leisure club for children, and implementing occasional congregational events. Children and youth are especially close to her heart.

In the autumn of 2021, she joined the team of the certified non-profit Christian organization Lighthouse. Since then, she has been implementing HY programs among children in primary schools in her region.
She leads the HY programs in an interactive way and, in addition to important information, she mainly transmits values and attitudes that lead children to take responsibility for their own life decisions.
The aim of her ministry is to show children values that are not so evident in today’s world: e.g. the importance of family, acceptance of one’s own worth, love of neighbor, respect for life, etc.
The system of the HY programs that Tereza offers to schools is aimed at promoting a comprehensive education of a young person with an emphasis on the perception of value, finding and organizing basic priorities in life and grasping one’s own responsibility.

With the help of the HY programs, she wants to influence children’s consciousness and thus strengthen their resistance to harmful influences that do not lead to a healthy way of life. Another aim is to help children, for example, to develop the ability to resist negative peer pressure and to learn to say “no” if needed.

Tereza is also involved in the leisure club, which is designed for creative children aged 4 to 6. She prepares diverse and creative activities for the children and enjoys it very much.
She is also involved in the preparation and implementation of a suburban camp every year under the banner of the leisure club.

More about programs

How she became a HY Worker:
Tereza joined the children’s ministry in 2019. Her desire to work with the young generation resulted in her joining the HY ministry team.

Tereza writes: “My desire to work with the young generation and show them that even in hardship they can find light has grown even more since I started working as the HY Worker in 2021, and the outreach I have is a great privilege in that.”


Program topics and resource:
Tereza works under the auspices of the well-established non-profit organization called the Lighthouse. That is a Christian organization in Liberec and its ministry is firmly based on the very active local Moravian Church.

Tereza uses its much-appreciated school programs with the topics:
Extreme expressions of aggression
Internet safety


“I really liked how I could realize that I don’t have to be alone and that everything goes better in a group when we help each other. Even if we don’t like who we have to work with, the result can still be good.”
A pupil, 3rd grade, ‘Be a Friend’ HY program


“The Healthy Body program was very beneficial. The pupils learned new knowledge about what is healthy and harmful for our bodies. The topic was approached in a playful way.
The HY Worker motivated the pupils, gave feedback to the pupils. She explained to the children by example the beneficial information about the harmfulness of smoking and addiction.”
A teacher, 2nd grade, ‘Healthy Body’ HY program


“The topics discussed were appropriately chosen for this age group and the group work that took place was very beneficial for the pupils.
I appreciate the nice tools that helped the children to materialize the idea of the topics discussed.
The HY Worker had the respect of the children, while gaining their trust in a relatively short time of three lessons. She was able to calm them down and activate them.”
A teacher, 4th grade, ‘Alcohol and Smoking’ HY program