Local ministry background:
Viktoria Zemanova grew up in an atheistic family. In her teen age she started to feel a deep urge for answers on existential and spiritual questions. She began to study philosophy and different spiritual ways. Then she chose to give her life to Jesus because she found out that God’s way is the only one.
Viktoria is a member of free evangelical church in Hodonin.

Viktoria began her lecturing activities step by step already in 2012. She accepted this ministry as her divine call and INCZ Board has approved her with no doubts to be part of the Healthy Youth Ministry team. She uses some of the most proved programs which Czech Christian workers appreciate, so called “Ethical Workshops”. With her ministry in schools she desires to contribute to the change of value attitudes of young people in her surroundings.

She wants to be a personal example to children, and no doubt she is. Thanks to Viktoria, children at schools can feel a real interest and love which comes from the knowledge that we are unique and beloved. Through each of the programs of Ethical Workshops Viktoria motivates children and youth to see new life perspectives, to see the world around us, to build better interpersonal relationships or to make better decisions in various life situations.

Except for school classes, newly Viktoria operates in a Christian low-threshold treatment program opened especially for children from socially problematic background.

More about programs

How she became a HY Worker:
In 2009 her husband and she began to support two children from poor country through International Needs CZ. Viktoria could read about the Healthy Youth program year after year in the annual report. And she personally became very interested in this program. She was contemplating this way for a few years.
Later she got an opportunity to practice the Ethical Workshop, she has grown in this ministry and in September 2020 she became a member of the team of the Healthy Youth Workers.

“We in INCZ are grateful for you, Viktoria, and we wish you a lot of physical strength and wisdom in the future years of your ministry!”


Program topics and resource:
Viktoria works under the auspices of the Christian organization called the Ethical Workshops.

She uses its very appreciated school programs with topics:
How are you?
Let’s be friends
How to protect yourself in dangerous situations?
How it happened that I am here?
How to get on well with my siblings?
How to become a good friend?
How to have a good relationship with my parents?
How to overcome problems at school?
What to do with your appearance?
How to cope with my money right way?
How to use IT and media well?
Life in media jungle
The power of words
Calm and peace without smoking
Image or character?
Money, money, money
Who am I?
Do you respect your body or do you abuse it?
On the waves of emotions
Happily and unhappily about an old age
Sex, love and relationships
Moral labyrinth