Local ministry background:
Karin accepted Christ into her life in her age of 16. She became a member of the Silesian Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Trinec, her home town.
Karin always had her heart open for children and wanted to serve them. To get a proper education for her ministry, she got her degree at a Bible college in USA in the 90’s. Since that she has been working as a catechist both in the church and also in primary schools in her home town.
Thanks to the enthusiasm of Pastor Stanislav Pietak, who had a huge heart for youth in the Silesian region, the religion was taught in every primary school in Trinec at the end of the 20th century.
Nowadays this is not possible because of legislation changes. Nevertheless, kids in schools are interested in religion, even in the form of optional free time programs. So, Karin can continue in her ministry this way. She has been already dedicated to it for 25 years.
We concern this ministry as a great God’s mercy. Most of the children who come to the programs are from atheistic families. And they still are interested in Christian education!
Here is one sweet story from Karin’s ministry which filled our hearts with hope and joy:
During the lockdown in the pandemic situation (due to Covid-19) also Karin gave her programs online. Schools arranged a meeting room for her and the participants of her programs so they could meet afternoons, after the regular school lessons were finished.
One day this girl’s computer failed. Her microphone stopped working. And her parents decided to take the computer to repair after the girl is done with her school lessons. When she realized she was not able to attend Karin’s religion class she started to cry. So, her parents had to wait with the computer repair after Karin’s program is finished.
How does such a typical program go? Each lesson focuses on one central biblical truth, which is further emphasized in joint games, competitions, songs, or during the teaching of the Bible verse. The goal is to approach hearts of children with this message. Children are also encouraged to contemplate how they can apply that particular truth into their lives and daily situations.
The other goal is to help children to find spiritual home in some of the local churches so they can continue in their spiritual growth.
Visit the reportage from Karin’s program and taste the atmosphere of this work:
More about programs
How she became a HY Worker:
After her graduating on a Bible college in the United States and returning back to the Czech Republic, Karin began to work as a catechist at the Silesian Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession. She also began to teach the optional subject “Religion and Christian education” in primary schools.
Karin says, “It is God’s grace and I want to use it. I love children, so I want to serve them in this way.”
Program topics and resource:
For her ministry Karin uses primarily the sets of lessons for Christian teaching from the Children’s Mission and from the organization TIM 2.2.
She also uses her own worksheets adapted to individual group of children.
“Thank you for being the first to tell me about what God is really like. I remember how you kept telling us that the Lord God is good, and especially that He is just…”
An adult girl recalls Karin’s Christian education classes.