Jitka Kultova visits schools in Plzen and its surroundings. Her topic is „The prenatal development of the man and the prevention of an unintended pregnancy“. It is designed especially for the 9th grade students. She starts with a 2 hours’ lecture and than she comes again after a week to discuss the topic with students two hours more. We visited in October just this kind of the discussion class. Jitka asks the students a question in the beginning – what they remember from the last lecture and what they regarded to be interesting. Than she sets a dilemma – the right of a child for its life on one side and the right of a woman to have a freedom to decide (not to have a child) on the other side.
Then students and Jitka try together to find the way how these two rights can go together. How to avoid an unintended pregnancy is the first question. Jitka leads the students to think about when and with whom it is suitable to start the sexual life. She does not tell them what they should think about that, but she tries to point at the pitfalls and things that should be thought about in advance. Than it comes to various types of contraception, always advantages and disadvantages are mentioned.
They try to imagine the situation like this: there is a positive pregnancy test in front of them during the second hour. It is the test of his partner or of her own. They are to explain his friend shortly what they are afraid about in this situation and how they are going to solve it. Than the whole class debates together about what they felt about this situation and why they would choose just these solutions. Jitka makes the discussion more interesting using two short videos concerning the topic.
This two hours’ discussion is the perfect way how to strengthen and emphasize the information that has been said in the past lecture. Students find the answers themselves, they can think about the topic more deeply and become really accustomed to the problem. Although Jitka does not push her own views to the students, her kind and friendly approach wins the hearts of the students. The atmosphere of the lecture and the following discussion class provides great impact on the souls of the kids.
Eliska Zeiskova, the Healthy Youth Program Coordinator