Jan Novak, December 2016

Jan Novak learnt his skills as a lecturer from his colleagues in Liberec where he has been working since 2015. The work of two INCZ lecturers, Patrik Muller and Roman Kladivo, has earned respect in local schools and gained an extraordinary position during the many years of their activity in the Liberec region. Both of them…

Ida Pencova, December 2016

How to get along with the siblings? ‘My mom stared at me and my brother for quite a time. Then she turned around without saying a word and she walked away,’ relates Ida to a class of fourth-graders during a discussion session on relations between siblings. My brother and I were completely shocked. We went to our rooms and we just sat there…

Martin Stavjanik, December 2016

Martin has been working in the INCZ team for 16 years now. Originally he was cook, but then God led him to work at schools and appointed him for this job. One of the strongest parts of Martin’s lecturing is listening, not speaking. That is an important characteristics of all good lecturers and it is very typical…

Petr Kadlec, October 2016

„The Earth planet has been at the doctor’s,“ Petr Kadlec says an illustrative anecdote, „and when all the examinations and test had been done, doctor asks: „And don’t you suffer from people?“ We find ourselves in the lecture about the sects and the world religions for the 9th grades. Petr tries to point in this humorous…

Ivo Neuvirt, October 2016

Ivo Neuvirt has been the INCZ Healthy Youth worker at schools in Ostrava for already 11 years. Ivo called himself to be „the man of the shovel“ when I met him for the first time. Despite of that his activities affected and still do affect deeply the lives of the students and find a great response among the teachers…

Monika Sluneckova, October 2016

Monika Sluneckova has been working in the city of Ceske Budejovice and its surroundings already for several years. She performs the lectures with the topics like the holocaust, anti-Semitism, Israel and other similar themes. We visited her program for the Grammar School in České Budějovice. It took place in October and it was about the…

Jitka Kultova, October 2016

Jitka Kultova visits schools in Plzen and its surroundings. Her topic is „The prenatal development of the man and the prevention of an unintended pregnancy“. It is designed especially for the 9th grade students. She starts with a 2 hours’ lecture and than she comes again after a week to discuss the topic with students…

Workers Conference 2016 – reportage

The Workers Conference is a service for lecturers. They are people who bring hope and the message of life to young people in schools. During the conference they are able to receive new encouragement and strength for their own calling and ministry. The Workers Conference was held from September 5th to September 7th 2016 in the Youth For Christ…